Elle!Fic | Rare Pair Prompt Table | Rodolphus Lestrange/Bellatrix Black

Feb 14, 2010 14:56

rarepair_shorts HP Rare-Pair Challenge
Author: elle_blessing
Pairing: Rodolphus Lestrange/Bellatrix Black
Progress: 0/13

1. All Hallow's Eve
2. Masquerade
3. After Dark
4. Moonlight on the Forest Floor
5. When the Lantern Goes Out
6. Floating Candles
7. Tricks & Treats
8. The Witching Hour
9. Black Ink
10. Serpentine
11. In Cold Blood
12. Crumbling Epitaph
13. Never Forgive, Never Forget

!fandom: harry potter, !author: elle, pairing: bellatrix/rodolphus, character: rodolphus lestrange, character: bellatrix lestrange, type: prompt table

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