Title: 'Fancy Seeing You Here' (1/1)
Author: Manda, aka
silverstardanceCharacters: Felix Harper/ Ellie Weasley,
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 277
Summary: A rather surprising night out.
Disclaimer: Not mine, just having a bit of fun.
Author's Notes: A drabble written for Laura (
dream_mancer) as part of the
Drabble Meme that Elle suckered me into. Felix is Jace Harper and Astoria Greengrass's youngest son. Ellie Weasley (daughter of Fred and Katie Weasley) is actually Elle's, I just borrowed her.
The fluid ebb and press of bodies, motion, heat around them was exactly the kind of stress relief he'd had in mind for the evening. Thrumming, deep and insistent, the music pulled him, a tug at each sense at once, but all together, until there was no space left for thought, just sensation.
It was what they'd both needed, and
Felix flashed a smile as
Ellie undulated under his hands, body writhing nearly flush against his, the movement just as primal, just as distracting as when far less clothing was involved. He pulled her hips into his, the silk of her barely-there skirt slick under his fingers and against the leather of his trousers, knowing full well it would be a long time before they got to sleep that night.
They moved with the flow of people, turning and drifting within the crowd, part of the communal blood and pounding heartbeat, and as Ellie wound her arms about his neck and pressed her lips under his ear, he caught a glimpse of bright ginger in the pulse of strobe light.
Wondering at their luck in possibly ending up at the same club as one of her brothers, Felix turned to get a better look at the man, head bent to the neck of a blonde nearly as tiny as Ellie, his hand enthusiastically all about her arse as they danced.
Ellie's scandalized squawk carried even over the din, and Felix jumped as the object of his curiosity was identified. "Daddy!"
Straightening, Fred offered a roguish grin and a wink in Felix's direction before addressing his daughter, completely unrepentant.
"What, princess? How do you think you got here?"