Jan 02, 2011 15:02
Welcomed in the New Year at a completely different place than usual. Had a fantastic time. Low key, fun and got fairly drunk but not to rediculousness.. It took starting a status update on my Facebook page to realize *exactly* how much I drank. Here ya go.
"Um WOW. I believe this was my first actual *drinking* NYE in 20ish(?) years..3 Butterball shots,2 Black Unicorn shots(Butterballs with Kahlua added), 2 whole bottles of Lambic, 1 wine glass of delicious homemade Bailey's, 1 glass of champagne,, 1 glass of the Riesling I got for X-Mas from my Uncle,a half glass of wildflower mead, a non alcoholic iced tea someplace in-between.(Granted it was over about 9 hours.) Assorted yummy snacks. 2 or 3 kisses at Midnight.Being a lucky charm for a poker game. 2 JAWS movies until 8:45 AM sharing the big couch with warm blankets and a handsome friend while MST3King the awful awful 3D 3rd one and general overtired hilarity while watching the sun rise outside. But I mistakenly had a Coke at 4:30AM because everyone else was having one and I was SO thirsty.. tasted so good. So NO sleep for Kate. Spent today drinking iced tea and water and having food and doing a bunch more laughing.
Other than the horrid cold symptoms that keep coming/going(and having to *peel* my contacts out this morning?)?
This year started a hell of a lot better than the last one ended. I'll take a headache over broken trust *anytime*!
Much love to my friends as we start a fabulous 2011!"
I also wish all of you here on my LJ Health,wealth and happiness for the New Year!