Update Time

Jun 22, 2009 21:11

So, been a few weeks but hey…lots going on.

First, wedding stuff. Got the wedding cake ordered! Yum-o. Can’t wait to see the final product, which will be when everyone else sees it = at the reception. I have beyond faith in Oakmont Bakery so I know things will be great. Got the bridesmaids dresses and flower girl dress out of the way. I also ordered my shoes. Now it’s just waiting until they come in. I do have to call the woman that does my usual alterations to see about her doing the girls. I have to, unfortunately, get mine done at the bridal shop (a little more complicated than your usual alterations and I need to have a bustle done). But hey if I can save them some money then great! I heard from the woman that has my dress and I need to call her later and set up a meeting so I can pick it up, then I have to call and set up my appointment for alterations in August (I’ll wait until the middle of July to call). We also met with the DJ and got most of that taken care of, I had to come up with a few more songs (didn’t realize I needed to pick a song to cut my cake to and things like that!). I also have to get him some info about the wine and such but no worries. I ordered my candles for the bridal shower, they are in and I have to make arrangements to get them from my lady but I should have them all ready to go with time to spare. Speaking of bridal shower, we (me, my sister, Red, Emily and Missy) met and got things planned and invites ready to be mailed. Yay! I still need to update my binder and organize it again. But yes, things are moving right along and things are getting crossed off and taken care of. Very exciting!

So other than wedding stuff we had a few other things going on. We got our Verizon FiOS and I love it! I especially love the DVR box we got; I’ll never miss another thing on TV!! We had to go to a baptism for Joe’s cousin Brian’s son, Antonio. They had a joint party afterwards, for Antonio and for Maria who made her First Communion earlier in the month. Nice to see the family, as usual J Red had a candle party the first weekend of June and those are always fun, I love our candle lady Dawn (she rocks!). This past weekend we went out the Kim & Chuck’s for Autumn’s birthday BBQ, nice to see everyone and spend the afternoon relaxing. Also had the last day of school in there, thank god! I was so ready for this school year to be over. Of course that means that the summer will rush by and before I know it it will be time for the wedding! Wow!!

Only thing bad that has happened is my mom is back in the hospital. She went in on the 9th. Having lots of issues with breathing and mobility and stuff. She was transferred to a Rehab place and they won’t start PT until they get her breathing stabilized and such and it seems like one big vicious circle. I have been telling mom (in hopes of pushing her along) that she has to be home for the shower and stay in good shape for the wedding. Keep your fingers crossed things work out and it’s not another 2-3 months of a parent in the hospital. Oy.

Started riding bikes Saturday mornings, Red, Joe and I. We ride the River Trail to the boat launch before the 40th Street Bridge. Red estimates it to be about 3 miles round trip. We need to walk it one day to make sure. Speaking of walking I’m walking at least 2 miles 4-5 times a week and beginning this week I hope to get that up to 6 times or increase the miles per walk. Red will be joining me, finally, this week. I just wish I didn’t have to be at work so early, I would try to walk the 2 miles before. Oh well, afternoons it is, except on Fridays and Sundays - Saturdays its early morning bike rides. Hopefully we keep this up for as long as the weather holds out. Fingers crossed.

Well, that’s about it for now. I should get back to work. Have a great week everyone {:(|)
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