Total Request Answers!

Feb 23, 2005 15:46

Very sorry for the delay on this guys, life suddenly caught up with me (namely, uni work :P). But here you go!

asli asked: 1) When the chips are down who do you reqally think JK is going to write into their grave in book 6? You have to stick with just one person.
Just the one person? Hmmmm... I think Hagrid will die in book 6. I know I said this for Book 5, and I was proven drastically wrong (R.I.P Sirius). But it has been said that this death will be 'very sad' and as Hagrid was the first wizard Harry truly met (that he could remember), he's dear to all of us. I think it's been foreshadowed an awful lot, especially with Dumbledore saying he would trust Hagrid with his life. So, Hagrid dying protecting Dumbledore? I could totally see it happening. It would break my heart, I know that much. Hagrid is too trusting and so innocent! And he sees the good in everyone, and so fiercely protective of everyone.. I just think Hagrid's a goner. You can't forget the slip Robbie Coltrane did in regards to how many films he's signed to do, and it doesn't look exceptionally promising, does it?

Mind you, I wouldn't put it past JKR to kill Remus or McGonagall or Ginny instead. Really wouldn't put it past her.

2) Boobs, better big or small? This can either be a preference of your own boobs, or what you generally think looks best on a woman.
Ah breasts, one of my favourite ranting topics. :D I personally would love to have smaller ones, as you know of the bane of my life that is my breasts. It's kind of a love/hate relationship really. Mainly leaning towards the hate side in relationship to getting bras, buying clothes, back problems and making you look several sizes larger than you actually are. :P I wouldn't want too small, as I love being curvy and I find they're a useful tool occasionally in making the most of my feminine charms. *grins* I personally would find a D/C a good size. Big breasts are good, to a point, but then they can just get too big (Jordan, anyone?). On what looks good on a woman generally? It depends on the woman's figure, I mean there are some women who look fabulous with small breasts (Courteney Cox Arquette, for example.) but then there are some who look brilliant with a fuller figure (like Catherine Zeta Jones, in my opinion, while not necessarily 'large' I think was one of the nicest curvy figures in Hollywood. Ana Matronic from Scissor Sisters has a great curvy figure too. ;)). I personally root for the larger breasted girls (but I am exceptionally biased in that opinion). ;)

3) Finally, writing, a true born talent or an acquired skill?
I believe writing takes a little bit of both. I think everyone is born with some skill as a writer, but it varies between each person. Whether you turn out to be a good writer at the end of the day depends on how you nourish that talent either by reading lots of material or just writing anytime, anywhere. I personally think everyone has the ability to be a good writing, but you need the passion and dedication to develop the skill to pull it off. :)

pixie_caramel21 asked: Right, when was the best day of your life? What happened? With whom did you spend it? What made it so fantastic?
And man, what a hard question! I've been wracking my brains trying to pick a single event! There are two that have been really fantastic, but narrowing it down to a single one... Gah. One would have to be my 17th birthday. I was in the Lozere region of the South of France on an A Level Geography field trip, with a group of fellow Geographers (including my friend Lindsey, Richard, and other people I got to know very well from Sixth Form). Thursday 3rd July 2003 was a gorgeous day, clear blue skies, no clouds - it really was the most beautiful day ever. Me and the girls in my room woke up early to open birthday presents and cards outside before breakfast (where once we got there our table started singing a very loud chorus of 'Happy Birthday' (mightily embarrassing :P). In the morning we went to the town of Florac which was delightful with it's farmers market, cute stalls and delicious food, the afternoon we travelled on a very stuffy coach (watching James Bond 'Die Another Day') to some beautiful caves which had the most beautiful and biggest formations I have ever seen (for a Geologist and a lover of caves, that's saying alot :P). The evening consisted of us having a 'last night' BBQ (which we were going to eat outside, but the heavens promptly opened as soon as we sat on our 'drinking table' giving us a fantastic storm, which was awesome). Later on, a disco started up in 'Raymondos' (the centre's bar) which proved to be exceptionally good fun, where we all stayed up exceptionally late dancing to very cheesy (but good!) songs, eating my (yummy) homemade birthday cake, and laughing lots at the Geography teacher's very poor dancing. My 18th birthday however was even better as I was surrounded by my best friends and family, but I think because of the location and the beautiful places I went to, that my 17th birthday would have to be one of the most memorable days of my life (in living memory).

Note: For those of you who missed the first entry and want to ask questions, go right ahead, I'll answer them when I get a chance. :)


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