If you call me mom, then you are Joshua.
If you call me Beth ... you are family or a friend I have had since BEFORE I turned 13. (No one else is allowed AT ALL)
If you call me Bethany ... you could know me from anywhere and everywhere.
If you call me Befny or Beffany ... you are
bronxelf_ag001 or she introduced us.
If you call me MRS. Coslar ... you know me from Josh's school and obviously haven't figured out that one can have children without being married or you are a telemarketer.
If you call me MS. Coslar ... you are either from Josh's school/kung fu and we have had the whole Ms./Mrs. conversation OR you are from work OR you are a sales person.
If you call me Spaz, Cosmo, or Cosball then you knew me in High School and we were friends.
If you call me Coz ... then you know me either from HS where we were VERY close friends or from living on the street when that was my tag.
If you call me Stephanie, Beverly, or Tiffany then you are a customer returning my call who just refuses to hear the B E T H A N Y sounds on your voice mail.
If you call me bitch, then you have worked for me at faire.
If you call me "MY bitch" then you are either
rocketrn or Tracy at faire.
If you call me Mistress Bethany to my face, then you take IWG titles way too seriously and you have read way too many "Bethany" press releases. OR you are
chowyunsmut and you were getting my Zippo engraved (YAY!!)
If you call me "Vice Madam" then you are a year or so behind the times and I am RETIRED!!! (Yay!!)
If you call me "The Madam Of Vice" then you are connected to the IWG somehow and have talked about or participated in the wench walks. Ditto for if you call me Sarg, Seargent, Drill Seargent, etc.
If you call me gaping,
chowyunsmut will defend me because only she can decide if I am gaping or not.
If you call me crazy, well then I guess we HAVE met!