Bout time

May 12, 2008 13:38

Well, figured it was about time to post my quarterly post.

Today's topic....everyones favorite!

Politics!  Yes Sarah, I know you just want to discuss it.

Besides the fact that I am so burnt out overall regarding the democrat primaries, yes, I lean in that direction, I have had some time to think about a few things.

First off, Hillary I believe has managed to destroy Bill's legacy.  In her recent strategy, she has decided to declare her support base is the 'working' class.  Unfortunately for her, the African American population has taken that rather personally.  Coming from the wife of the "First Black President", that has completely dissolved whatever base in that community she enjoyed.  The numbers from Indiana and North Carolina spoke volumes regarding that.  90% is an insane support base that even at Super Tuesday, Barack did not enjoy.

Secondly, Hillary has gone in so many directions with this election, trying to figure out how to stay in it, she now appears to pander to everything anyone might want to hear.  In particular every other base other then the African American.  Gas tax holiday (uneducated Americans), Destroying Iran (Jewish voting block), Illegal Amnesty (Mexican voting block).  While the Amnesty issue is one that is rather controversial, the others are pandering.  It also brings to question her ability to actually govern if elected in my opinion.  She will have sold her self out so hard to special interest groups, would she just become another Jimmy Carter?  He had to sell himself to get the nomination and get elected, and in the end, he could not break those ties to actually accomplish much during his administration.

Third point in this goes to how she and her staff spin results.  Yes, spin in politics is common place.  But there is spin and then there is SPIN.  With her campaigns continual use of fuzzy, well, no, blind math, her spin on the electorate and how the super delegates should override the populace and elect her, she comes across as just desperate.  Being from Michigan, I get particular amusement out of the whole Michigan/Florida debate.  Don't use the count, use the count, MY GOD USE THE COUNT, has been her rallying cry throughout the election.

Finally on Hillary, the overall destruction of her husband's legacy and the democrat party in general.  Mccain has to be praying to god thanking him every minute because Hillary has managed to go SO negative that she has given him enough mistrust and ammunition to make him actually viable.  Anyone remember the numbers last year showing how the democrats were going to DESTROY the republicans?  Well, with all of the negativity she has created, she has managed to close the gap for the Republicans herself.  If Hillary is elected, she will lose to Mccain, I would bet money on it.  If Barack is elected, but loses in the Presidential election, she will forever go down in history as the new Ralph Nader.   He is probably rather thankful himself that Hillary is doing this, maybe they will stop blaming him for 2000.

Now lets play the what I would do if I was the candidate game:

Hillary:  Bail out prior to West Virginia.  Between West Virginia and Kentucky, she is going to do further damage to her husband and the party in general.  Yes she will win both states, by large margins no less, but she needs to look towards the greater good of the party.  In addition, I would take a really hard look at how my behavior will actually effect how I am perceived in the Senate.  So much damage done, even her longtime friends have abandoned her, I cannot imagine what is going on in the Senate.  Good luck getting any support from fellow democrats on her bills she sponsors.

Barack:  I would play it like it is now.  Continue to begin my focus on the presidential election and make the arguement that I am the proper candidate.  Also, I would attempt to shut down the VP question by declaring prior to West Virginia who my running mate would be.  No, I would not pick Hillary.  But for political purposes, I would take a seriously hard look at Bill Richardson.  He is well respected, carries the Latino vote and also reaches into the same circles that the Clinton's do.  If not him, perhaps Edwards (eh, longshot, not to mention his failing to pick any candidate to this point), a maverick moderate independant/democrat/republican, or someone who has impeccable foreign relations/military experience.  I would love to see Colin Powell.  While it would carry some question as to the Bush Era, he has been pretty outspoken as much as he can be and would be a very tough person to attack on the morality and military experience credentials.  He did pretty much leave because he found out the administration lied to him.

Mccain:  He is playing all of his cards right at the moment in my opinion.  Except one.  I would nominate NOW Condi Rice.  What a blow that would strike to the Democrats.  She is the only respected person in the current administration per the current polls, and of course, the African American/Female vote.  It would also accomplish tying in those republican's who are on the fence to just not vote by giving the hard right wing dedicated to Bush a place to go.  If the republicans wanted to take office, I would pick her.  Yes she has gaffes, but that can also be played back to her boss.  I think this is a no brainer.

So, there it is.  I hate Hillary more then I ever did, not only for what her 'baby' has done to the country from back in 1997, in particular my family, but for destroying the democratic party as far as I can tell.  If the democrats lose, she will be the blame.  People in future years will not think, "Wow, what prosperity our country had in the 1990's", like they did when thinking about Bill, but now the Clinton name will be tied into losing an election that should not have been lost.
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