Oct 10, 2005 01:01
Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing.
Something committed into the care of another; charge.
Reliance on something in the future; hope.
Why does able to trust people seem soo hard ? Trust is able to relie on someone, without the fear of being hurt.
But what if your whole life youve been lied to, always hurt never cared for, nothing. Theres just a few people you can say care & even when you say they do in yuor mind you STiLL question it.
You give your heart out for the taking TRUSTiNG that you wont get it back in pieces. Guys will sweet talk yo and tell you all the things you want to hear. & you fall for it even though you know it may not be true what they say but your TRUSTiNG & at the end a little bit more of your trust is gone cause your left broken and hurt.
What if all your trust just left you ? You dont have the wil power to trust anymore cause all youve heard are lies and stupid pick up lines. What if your tired of believing that theres someone to prove you wrong ?
As much as I want to believe and trust some guys and friends, its hard now more than ever. Its liek I cant, im holding back from the fear of being hurt cause its the worse feeling. But its something ive always felt.
Its so hard to explain.
I may know a person for a god amount of time & i know they woudlnt hurt me
but I cant trust anymore ! its so hard but amazing how something can
effect a person. how stupid memories and people can do this.
I dont know whether to believe what they tell me cause i dont know if
its just another way to get into my heart or if there serious.
Everyone tells me now ..
it will all get better
i WANT to believe, but i cant unless im proven
but i cant be proven cause i wont let people get into me anymore
cause i cant trust anymore ..
its really late and my wriiting isnt that wel right now cause my head is thinking of way to many things so ill try again tomorrow ..
♥ tuti