Jul 20, 2005 14:48
Here's some more about love
Love is much more than an emotion or feeling. Its something we dream about, we can loose sleep & alot more things for it. The moment we have it we are so scared we are going to lose it. You have absolutely no control over it; it begins quickly but it can leave you quicker.
If you are meant to be together, you will be, & if you love someone with that mutual feeling felt between two hearts, no matter the obstacles in your way, things will work out. It may not work out at the moment but later on in life it will.People have this thing that if it doesnt work now it willl never work, but they need patience,you say you love the person. If you do you need patience give it time and thought. Let things come on its own dont force or push it.
Everyone in some form or another wants to find love. Some have hard hearts towards it because of love found and lost & hurt them, or some are just too stubborn to want to feel love. The chances of getting hurt are high & some people are too scared to take such a chance. Whatever the reasons, even the most independent person cannot resist love when it comes. It hits suddenly, and it hits hard, you have no choice but to follow along blindly. The feeling that takes over your heart is purely uncontrollable, but amazing. It opens many people's eyes to their own shallow hearts, because often they would never fall in love with someone that is just not cute enough or smart enough; someone they wouldn't even take a second glance at if it was lust.
Love changes everything, making everyone involved a better person, even if the outcome is bad. It is possible to love many different people throughout your life, but there is only one person that you feel you cant live without, that yes u have loved other but this person cant compare. You have a deeper connection with him, one that you will never find with anyone else.
Consider this, never settle for the person you can live with, wait for the person you can't live without.
Teenagers fall in love quickly, having many broken hearts and failed relationships. Teens shed many tears throughout the high school years, but it's the knowledge they learn that lets them grow into a stronger person. I know that I am still a teenager & have not had much life lessons taught to me, but I am speaking from the experiences that I have gone threw.
It does in fact open the door to even more hurt than say a summer romance, but it's a feeling that is well worth it. Love can hurt & it can be pretty bad, makes you feel depressed sad like its not worth it or how ever. But when you fall in love you have to be prepared of the risk of getting hurt nota ll things can work out at the time. Love has its down.
If you love someone, love them with all of my heart and soul, love with everything you have, holding nothing back.Love is an amazing feeling between two people, something that everyone should experience. It is an important thing in life, possibly the most important. You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have really lived are the moments when you have done things in a spirit of love.
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mwahs* Tuti*