
(no subject)

Nov 06, 2006 13:23

last night i was walking through the taipei main train station when a man tripped in front of me, dropping a large stick he was carrying. my first impulse was to help him up, but he righted himself quickly, grabbed the stick, and then took off running like a madman. confused, i turned around, just in time to see him run up to another man from behind and hatefully smash the stick into the back of his head. he then proceeded to beat the shit out of him, and when that guy was down, he went after another man who was running from him, and then started gesturing menacingly at everyone around him. even from far away, he caught my eye twice. it was a hollow, terrible look of incomprehensible hatred. everyone around him was scattering, trying to get the hell out of there. we left the station as quickly as possible. there were no police or guards. no one tried to help the men being attacked. outside of the station there have been protests going on about the recent presidential corruption scandal, so that may have had something to do with it. amidst the protesters there was a crumpled red car, which had been smashed up by the police when they'd attempted to protest in front of taipei's main governmental building.
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