Or, Why I Have Been Absent.
On All Hallows Eve 2014, Mr Pyle suffered a heart attack, and, on 7 November, underwent a treble bypass surgery. (Mr Pyle asks that I clarify: he remains a bass-baritone, not a treble. It was not that sort of surgery.) During his ongoing recovery and medical leave...
- I have taken on many of the administrative duties at Bapton Books in his stead;
- I am finishing up Evensong, the sequel to Cross and Poppy;
- We have an ‘official’ Twitter feed now for the firm, in addition to our own feeds;
- The Bapton Books website has been much revamped, a project begun and largely complete by dear MSP before he was felled;
- The 1914 book, The Crisis, has been put aside until Mr Pyle is recovered in health;
- and I’ve a new solo project in the works whilst MSP is on medical leave.
That last project is one I have mentioned once or twice before now, but is now very much to the fore: Britain By the Slice, in two volumes, along a gridline North to South and along another East to West.
It now has a Kickstarter appeal which I advert you to; we should be greatly obliged for any assistance.
I hope, when pressure of work somewhat more readily permits, to be more visible here.