Mar 12, 2013 14:14
Dislike early Easters. Warn all that despite best efforts of farmers w/ early lambs (Dorsets, e.g.), this year - well, yr Easter lamb will be a bit dear. Due to early lambing for early Easter market, no Cheltenham for one this year. Have been colder and danker in this life, but not often. Despise sodding Schmallenberg. Am writing fitfully at odd hours. Shall catch up on emails comments messages globetrotters &c when things die down & am no longer sourcing colostrum & doing faecal egg counts & watching tally of lambs lost to SBV mount. In other news, that raddled Argy whore, the whole bloody EU, the Cameroons and all the Huhne-like creatures in public life, Clegg, the Wets, the LDs, Labour, that ass Welby, the NHS managerial class, Simon Jenkins, Vince Cable, Gid Oz, people who doubted Nick Compton, Obama & his administration & esp the US State Dept, & whole vast lot of others can fuck off, die, and spent eternity in Hell listening to Geoff Boycott praise himself. On that fat-faced bastard Chavez' infernal radio programme. 24/7.
rural life,
mr wemyss is not amused,
west country,
current events,
appalled & incredulous: follies exposed,
village life