Staps gave me a letter: G.
- Leave a comment to this post.
- I will give you a letter. (Edited to point out, only if you ask for one: you can comment without having to do this yourself).
- Post the names of five fictional characters whose names begin with that letter, and your thoughts on each. The characters can be from books, movies, or TV shows.
D’you know, there’re a bugger of a lot of gees - sorry, Gs (Cheltenham is over now). I might have chosen Glenstorm the Centaur, easily, or Gimli or Gloin, or Guy Mannering, or Gott or Gylby (Innes’ Appleby stories), or GKC’s Gabriel Gale (there’re any number of Gs in GKC), or GKC’s avatar Gideon Fell (and indeed Gneil’s avatar of GKC, Gilbert, the incarnate Fiddler’s Green), or G. Lestrade or his rival Gregson, or Grey Brother, or
Gloriana, or
George Chapin….
- Gisborne, of the Department of Woods and Forests, In the Rukh (Kipling). Insofar as there was anything on the credit side of the ledger in the Empire, Gisborne represents it: servus servorum, dedicated, fair, and just.
- Gandalf (and if you don’t know he’s Tollers’ character, God help you). The Ur-Wizard (Maia though he was), the titrated essence of the Merlin character. To paraphrase Wren’s epitaph, if you seek the template of Dumbledore, look this way. I may add that Gandalf is in fact the concentrated distillate of the best sort of don, peppery, wise, and more patient than one quite realises at first.
- Archdeacon Grantly (Barchester, Trollope). The Church Militant incarnate, back when it was the Church, with foibles to make him human and a code that keeps him godly.
- Gally Threepwood (Plum, of course). I rather wanted to grow up (or, indeed, refuse to grow up, that being rather the point) to be the Hon. Galahad Threepwood, the only intelligent man in a family of ducal dimwits, a Peter Wimsey without the moralising and a goodish deal more fun.
- Gervase Fen (Crispin). The ultimate don-detective, wayward, witty, and wonderfully rude. I did rather grow up to be Fen.
And you lot?