Resource recommendations of a Sunday night: adverting you to a worthy memoir

May 15, 2011 22:11

I begin declaring an absence of interest: much as I should have been pleased to have the Bapton imprint on this work, it isn’t, and I’ve no financial interest in it.  Nevertheless, Chas’ (yes, He of Steepholm) printing of his great-gaffer’s schooldays memoir, Tom Butler’s Schooldays, is indispensable. It is eminently worth reading on its merits; and I should very much wish that those writing UK school-canon or XIXth C canon resort to as a resource.

Also - and of course here I do declare an interest - those wishing to write UK political canon (Parliament or Wizengamot) really could do worse than to use as a resource The Confidence of the House: May 1940….

But Charles Butler first, I think. I really must advert you that work.

writing, culture, book, britpicking

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