On this day, Americans give thanks*

Nov 26, 2009 17:49

… I also understand that they begin their ‘shopping season’ for Christmas. Wherefore this appeal. I apologise for the lack of a text-cut; however, this is too important to be overlooked.

You (meaning, Those of You Who Haven’t the Inestimable Privilege of Being British) mayn’t have heard that - notwithstanding the best email efforts of the University of Easy Access Climate Rehearsed Unit - the weather has been a trifle dodgy in much of the realm.

Some of you will also recall my have noted, in past essays, the rather acquisitive nature of my family over many generations when there’s land to be bought up, and that in consequence, not all of our lives were had quietly in the Southwest. That demi-Eden Cumbrian paradise, High and Low Crosby and district, is amongst the places hard-hit by the recent flooding and storms. I would ask that you join me in assisting my neighbours in the area, and in devastated Cockermouth. You may send an email to:


or telephone 01228 606060. Stanwix Rural - wherein Crosby-on-Eden is situated - is within the City of Carlisle authority; Carlisle City Council submits that donations should be managed through the Cumbria Flood Recovery Fund, at:


The National Trust has sustained losses in the Lake District and throughout the North West of England. You may donate to the Lake District Flood Appeal at this link:


If, when the area is safe and rebuilding begins, you (in this instance, Those of You Who Do Enjoy the Uncovenanted Mercy of Being British) wish to volunteer in the effort, please email the National Trust at:


The National Trust is of course a Registered Charity, Registered Charity No. 205846.

More broadly, the National Trust is a worthwhile source of gifts with meaning - including, for example, gifts that result in a donation’s being made to red squirrel habitat. The National Trust shop may be found online at:


Virtual gifts (red squirrel habitat included) are to be found at:


The gales and floods of late been answered with courage and determination, on land and at sea. Whenever lives are at risk at sea, the RNLI answers the call, with consummate professionalism and utter, raw courage. The fearless lifeboatmen of the RNLI risk their own lives for those in peril, at any hour, in all weathers, at all costs. Please support them this Christmas by donating to the RNLI, Reg. Charity No. 209603 (England and Wales), No. SC037736 (Scotland), No. CHY 2678 (Republic of Ireland):


You may purchase RNLI gifts for Christmas at:


The remit of the RNLI includes rescues in inshore waters as well: their efforts in Cockermouth in the late floods saved many lives. Remember them.

At this of all seasons, do please remember that it is more blessed to give. Thank you for your patience with this lengthy post, and for your assistance to those in need.


* In a sort of nationwide Harvest Festival, based upon a civic founding myth (and one that is largely mythic and only lately national. It is only since 1865, obviously, that Americans have acquired a hazy notion that a Dissenting theocracy in New England, and not Anglican gentlemen in Virginia, founded the bloody place).

christmas, essays, england my england, appeals

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