Nov 12, 2004 19:29
Posted in adbusters not by me.
HiDRose Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 12:15 am Post subject: Fear and Loathing
If America is to police the world, shouldn't it first police itself? Like a bad parent, what kind of example is this country setting for other democratic and future democratic countries? Since when is this crushing capitalism that takes everything sacred, puts it through a pop machine, and turns it into consumer crap the meaning of democracy? Tear the politics apart from the inside out. Conform on the outside only to get inside and reform. Use your positioning in your community, in your workplace, in your city, town, and state to unravel the big media conglomerates ideas monopoly.
Start your own newsletter on recycled paper, post a website showing what is real to you in this world, have a local tv program that expresses the ideals and morals you believe - Like Adbusters, use the media outlets available in an ironic twist. Start trading instead of paying. Create a bartering community. Learn to recycle goods yourself. Start a garden that produces almost all the produce you need. Invent a new source of power that doesn't deplete the world of its resources, ruin landscapes, cause pollution and create war. Paint a mural on a public wall depicting a value you believe is worth valuing. Clean up your local park, street, pond, river, neighborhood, etc. Take a reusable bag to the local natural foods, organic grocery store. Open an organic grocery store. Give reusable shopping bags to your friends. Show everyone you believe self worth has no monetary value. Help a neighbor renovate their crumbling old house with the most enviromentally sound products available, or create your own - or live with your neighbor and use what is good from your house to make your neighbor's house better. Create a garden in your living room. Stand in a public crowded place and say what you mean and mean what you say - see who listens - be peaceful, don't fight with those who might with you. use solar energy. Smile. After all, when you have something to believe in, you have no reason to be unhappy - when you have purpose, you are purposeful. Pity only makes us pitiful.
We are a great and inventive people. But let us invent what is truly progressive, and not what might simply be a profitable venture, invent what is really necessary for us now. You are key to progression. Yoga and meditation only takes you so far. Be active for others, not only for yourself. We share this world.