Dear friends,
I am asking for your help.
I have made a commitment to walk in this year’s AIDS Walk next month to support Ubuntu Education Fund. Ubuntu works in some of the poorest communities in South Africa - communities facing an HIV rate of over 32%. As you can imagine, this impacts everyone in those communities everyday - not least the children. Ubuntu reaches over 40,000 orphans and vulnerable children with health education, counseling and treatment access campaigns. Ubuntu is that community’s stand against AIDS.
I have always cared very deeply about this crisis, and I believe you do as well. Please join me in this campaign by supporting my AIDS Walk page. It will only take 3 minutes. In return, you will get the satisfaction of having taken part in a true grassroots response to AIDS in Africa and my eternal gratitude (as well as a tax deduction).
I thank you for your support. If you have any questions about this effort, or would like to join me in the walk, just email me or contact Paul Newell at or 646-827-1190. Ubuntu Education Fund’s website is
Thank you,
Monique Mckenzie