I have been way not up on this blogging thing, eh? Here is a summary of recent events:
- Moved into my new apartment. Its a studio in Oakland that is pretty nice, though furnitureless.
- Changed my cell number to a 510 (Bay Area local) number. Giving up on the 413 was a tough but necessary move.
- Saw Zizek!, a new doc on the man, the miracle. The movie is still in its infancy (I was at the first showing of the final piece), but it should be coming ‘round your way in the coming months. I highly recommend it. It succeeded in lessening some of my misgivings about him and his work. More to say, natch, but not now.
- Nobody has yet to contact me through iheartnybutimnotinheartwithny.com, though everyone seems to like the stickers. I am a sucker and keep sending them out for free.
- Played Katamari Damacy with Colin for 6 hours straight. Plan to play much more once I get a television of my own. (There’s a sequel coming!)
Until I’ve sorted out internet access at my apartment (and someplace to sit), updates will be sporadic/nonexistent. If you know anyone in the Bay Area with hott furniture they want to get rid of, send them my way.
ps. Patty’s coming on the 21st! We will play
Karaoke Revolution until our neighbors are sick.
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