Welcome Post~

Aug 07, 2012 04:21

Now that I've gotten your attention, hello there!

I am Admin Lauren, the creator of this lovely community and I am here to lay down what I hope to be accomplished with this group and a couple of rules:
  1. I just want first and foremost for this to be a place where we all can enjoy the lovely ship that is Romione and post our fanfic about the couple we all love freely. Places like this on livejournal are dwindling in number for this ship and I think it's about time we try to bring them back.
  2. Even though this is a Fanfiction based community, I would love if people sent in fanart to the community. It can inspire and add to great fanfiction, so why not have it here?
  3. If you want to post, please use the correct tagging. It makes everyone's job and lives easier and keeps things orderly. Besides, who would want to look for a fluffy fic and then find full-blown smut? Not to mention, triggers are everywhere.
  4. Other pairings are only acceptable in this community if they are mixed in with the fanfic. Just as long as Romione is the main pairing being told about, then it's okay to have others mixed in.
  5. Please do not give mean/bashing reviews to fanfic posted here. It's okay to give nice, polite constructive criticism, but going and openly bashing a person's writing here is not allowed and uncalled for.
Anyway, I hope we can get off to a good start and that you all enjoy the community! <3
-Admin Lauren

ron weasley, romione, mod post, romione fanfic, hermione granger
