Hey kids, who has two thumbs (THIS WAS TUMBLR for the longest time, I have so many problems, guys) and just finished a basic outline on her NaNoWriMo project?
THIS GIRL. (this .gif is a stretch for this reference for even the most forgiving of us, but we're all adults so we're just going to deal with it)
So I guess I'm totally going to try it this year. It'll still end in tears and/or me getting bored of it by day three and deciding to marathon 19 Kids and Counting instead but HEY, WE AIM TO TRY.
Here is my profile over there that I've done dick with, how many of you guys are going for it?
shelightsupwell has been posting these awesome preparation tips daily that I've been enjoying.
AHHHH so relieved Red Toronto wasn't the mole and....CARES about the kids! PLAY DEAD. DID YOU KNOW DAD'S AN ANDROID? ROBOTS!!!!
Robin having a crush on a girl was my entire life and I'm so upset Zatanna isn't joining the team full time because she's awesome and HAS A LOT OF MOVES....HE'S STARTING TO SOUND LIKE WALLY. But then she was like I USE THIS TRICK WHEN I WANNA SNEAK OUT OF THE HOUSE which leads to believe they'll be an episode in the future where someone is like WE NEED A MAGICIAN (Wally: NO WE DON'T) and Zatanna breaks out from her YR GROUNDED FOREVER prison and becomes the other Speedy but not the worst.
They need a dumb idea so everyone looks to Wally and Wally is all "NOT EVEN MAD, HERE ARE 20 DUMB IDEAS!!!" Also Wally sitting there having Rob Lowe bring him snacks while he watches everyone else work out because he apparently has a broke arm now (THE SLING FROM LAST WEEK IS EVEN BETTER. DEVASTATED HE IS WEARING A PROPER CAST AND NO LONGER USING IT!)
Kaldur needs a ladyyyyyy ya'll.
Superboy: STILL THE WORST! and I mean that in the best way, I love him being just continuously angry and freaking out. AND KALDUR'S SIC BURN ABOUT BEING MORE THAN THE MACHINE YOU WERE BUILT TO BE, OH SNAP!!!
OVERALL DELIGHTFUL EPISODE AS ALWAYS. I don't know how I'll find the strength to make it through next week without a new episode.
As I said on twitter, Joe Dempsie wearing a suit and talking about the ~war while he collects people for his murder fridge at a school is maybe my favorite thing on TV right now. When he and Dormer had a scene together and I died right there because it was KENDAR'S FAV FACES: ALL STAR EDITION? That was the best.
Also the best - Paul and Mac's MATCHING JAMMIES. and Jay waiting in Paul's room to bone and Mac being like OH THAT'S COOL, I'LL JUST READ IN THE CORNER!!!
This episode gave me a lot of Mac/Anna feelings that I don't know what to do with. "This was your cue to flash me!" "FLASH THIS!" and then she let him feel her up and he told her to look after herself and just last week I was like "I could have Anna/Mac feelings, I guess" and now I do!!!
I still need to watch this weeks Revenge so I'll probably do that before passing out. How are you fine ass people doing?