hell is empty and all the devils are here.

Jun 06, 2011 22:24

Ok, getting this out of the way, because the law requires it.

Nicola Roberts - Porcelain Heart

FLAW. FREE. Not!B-side but pretty much a b-side for "Beat of my Drum" OBSESSED WITH BOTH SONGS, THIS ALBUM IS GOING TO BE THE GREATEST! Pop album of the year, I am calling it right now.

- So obviously the new Breaking Dawn trailer came out a few days ago, we all saw/laughed (WATERPROOF INVITES!) and we're grossed out/felt REALLY bad for Taylor by this picture and moved on with our lives. BUT HERE IS HOW I KNOW I'VE GROWN AS A PERSON, the new nuttymadam reaction video for the trailer did not amuse me like always but made me SUPER uncomfortable and really, really, sad. I couldn't even watch all of it! I just felt like I was witnessing someone's mental break. Why would she broadcast that reaction? I don't understaaaaand.


image Click to view

VOMMING WITH EXCITEMENT! I'm rewatching Luther AS WE SPEAK and ugh, this show is the greatest! Everyone is so excellent! I honestly think I ship Alice/Luther more than I ship anything else right now. CAT AND MOUSE GAMES 4 LIFE. That interrogation scene in the first episode when he knows she killed her parents and she knows he knows and drops he innocent act is literally that Lucille Bluth quote "No. I'm withholding it. Look at me. Getting off." COME TO LIFE. Actually, not just that scene but their entire relationship.

- My new favorite thing in hte world is butthurt Social Network rpf shippers getting SUPER ANGRY at the internet moving onto their new boy toys for X-men because they all have never heard of Supernatural or Star Trek or American Idol or the dozens of other fandoms fandom gets super excited to real person ship two white dudes for and didn't understand that their fandom wasn't special and just a fad. NEW FAVORITE THING.

Poll Battle of annoying CW stars

As always, THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE! Both are basically awful - crazy, self indulgent rambling vs pretentious, self important rambling, but WHICH IS THE WORST? I am inclined to say Ian because I think he's just annoying and smug while Matt is obviously not well. PICK YOUR TEAM, DEFEND YOUR ANSWER, ETC. For the record, obviously Paul's twitter is the best, not even going to bother to poll that, you're all smart kids who want good things.

omg whatever etc

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