Guys, I have a lot of feelings on Weeds. I watched seasons 4&5 in full for the first time this week and it was kind of overwhelmingly awesome. I'm glad I gave up on it a few years ago because marathoning these two seasons probably made them a lot more enjoyable then they would have been on a week to week and then a year between them sort of deal. I'm glad I was already watching s6 so I knew where we are in the story right now, it made shit less shocking or whatever but I like that I knew the consequences (s6) and am just sort of watching the actions that lead to them (s4&5) AHHHH FOR A HALF HOUR COMEDY I AM TAKING THIS SHOW SO SERIOUSLY BUT IT LIKE DEMANDS IT because it is SO. SERIOUS. Like, it is so ridiculous and witty and funny but at the same time SO TRAGIC, I AM SO SAD ABOUT SO MANY THINGS. Ahem.
Ok, in general, I think I liked s5 more than four? Which is hugely unpopular, I think, everyone says s5 sucked but I THINK THEY ARE WRONG. It's probably the most dramatic and darkest of the seasons but I think it was really well paced. Like Shane's arc, I AM OBSESSED with Shane's arc in s5. He goes to being absolutely terrified of Ignacio's violence at the golf range to killing Pillar with a croquet mallet because he couldn't find a golf club. He gets shot and decides he likes the pain, he can take it and THIS BEER IS WARM, GET HIM ANOTHER ONE and looses his fucking mind. He's fourteen and already so, so, fucked up. I loveeee the last few episodes after he's shot and becomes a zombie and everyone is like silently scared for him but has no idea what to do with it. and then he snaps out of it but not in a good way but in a he's a total psycho now sort of deal.
and oh gosh! He is so creepy with Nancy, they start it in s4 with the entire JERKING OFF TO NAKED PICTURES OF YOUR MOM thing, which is the worst ever but like it's dropped in two episodes on the show but of course it's always there, Shane has totally fucked up Mommy issues and it had to surface again and now is s6 it totally is. He's treating Stevie like he's his own kid, not his brother and telling Silas he's Nancy's favorite (and he probably is! Shane's made himself into everything Nancy is attracted to in a man, he's dangerous and violent and his hand doesn't shake when he points a gun at someone) and asking Nancy to ditch Andy, Silas and Doug and run off with him and their baby ("Fuck that. This is our shot, we have everything we need. The baby, the hash, a full tank of gas. Come on, they're holding us back and you know it.") . IT IS SO DISTURBING, I AM SO DISTURBED. I feel like some really bad shit is going to go down with him this season. Everyone is acting like they did at the end of s5 with him. Like obviously freaked out but not speaking about it either.
Nancy is a mess, but she always is. I'm glad that there's a character like Nancy on TV, btw. Everyone loves, loves, loves, Don Draper and I feel like Nancy is sort of the lady Don Draper in how the show treats her? Like they are not afraid to make her totally unlikeable a lot of the time even though she's the lead and our hero. She loves her kids but never enough to put their needs in front of her own, drags poor Andy around because she can and CREATES HER OWN SHIT ALL THE FUCKING TIME. What was her quote in the s5 opener about how she made the paper when she was young for jumping off a bridge but it wasn't a jump, it was a leap? That is how she thinks of ALL of her actions, that she's this badass leaping into shit and then is shocked when it fucking stinks.
I watched the last half of s4 today her breakdown over the tunnel and the human trafficking is so excellent. Like when she tells Guillermo she thought the tunnel was only for weed and he's like "lol, ok you're full of shit" and it hits her. That is the bestttttt. I kept on thinking about that quote from Boardwalk Empire "You can't be half a gangster" that is Nancy like always and of course she can't deal with that and rats on him and it was good to see her do the right thing but then it all blows up in her face anyway.
Oh and I hateeee the Nancy/Esteban relationship, the show is so weird with them. Like, are we really supposed to believe they love each other? Because I don't. He made it so clear in the beginning of s5 that she was dead if the child of his she was carrying was a GIRL and she's like Andy and Doctor Alanis Morrisette and fleas without even thinking about it in the s5 finale. I feel like the show tried to make Esteban sort of sympathetic in second half of s5 but it never clicked with me because all I could think about was that very nearly rape scene with him in the first episode of the season and again, if Stevie was a Stephanie Nancy would have been dead before she was even born. Also "you smell like a man" ESTEBAN = THE WORST.
After s5, Andy just makes me sad. I'm glad they made him funny again this season because funny Andy is the best and s5 Andy mostly just bummed me out. He was so close to getting away from all of it but nope, FOREVER ALONE/SUCKED INTO NANCY'S BULLSHIT.I can't really get into Nancy/Andy in like a shippy way, I just don't see them as that and I don't think Nancy ever will either but it still totally sucks that he loves her so much and is pretty much destined to follow her around forever. But at least it's honest and he knows exactly who she is, I guess.
OH AND....You know....CAN WE TALK ABOUT HIS SILAS BOTWIN IS MY FAVORITE AND IT TOTALLY GOES BEYOND HUNTER PARRISH BEING A HOTASS???? I want to hug whatever writer decided to make Silas wonderful, I want to send them an eatable arrangement. BEST DECISION. There are a lot of differences between s1-3 and s-6 of the show, it's almost two different shows and Silas is one of the biggest ones. Old Silas is the worst person to ever live and pokes holes into condoms to trap his girlfriend and looks awful and ERRBODY HATES THAT GUY. New Silas see's that everyone around him is a crazy person and someone has to be an adult and move on from Judah being dead (which btw, is what this is all about. Judah is dead and Nancy went crazy and Andy and Shane are following around crazy Nancy) and is A Man. Or at least really, really, wants to be one. Also: smoking hot.
I notice that Silas and Andy are being paired up a lot this season, like how Shane and Nancy are and I like that a lot because s5 Andy is very much s6 Silas. Like they are both SO SAD and just want to get out but don't really know how. Silas is even more tragic for me though because he was so removed from everything in s5, he was off running a business with fucking Doug and it almost worked out but it was Doug (Doug/Silas time is the best though, "YOU SUCK DICK, SILAS?" oh godddd and Silas reaction is so rational, Silas is almost always so rational with Doug, I cannot) and then Nancy gives him another out with Europe BUT HE STAYS BECAUSE HE DOESN'T TRUST HER TO PROTECT HIS BROTHERS. He stays because in his own words he saw Shane going off the deep end and wanted to be around to jump in (!!!!) He is there because of Shane who is trying to ditch him because going with pool thing, Shane is already off the deep end and now everyone is just drowning and he knows that now but it is way too late. I already wanted to cry for him in every episode of s6 but now having the entire story makes it all even sadder. Like ughhh Silas went through his own Mommy issues with fucking Julie Bowen and everything but then really moved on and is there because he wanted to save his un-savable little brother, who will probably not be one of those good serial killers who only kills other serial killers. THAT. IS. DEVASTATING.
and Doug.
FUCKING DOUG I died 15 times during this scene.
That being said, I really miss Conrad a lot. Ahahaha.
No way that was readable, so have this cute ass .gif
midfunk made.
NEXT UP: THE GOOD WIFE. I promise. Sorry, day.