Jun 28, 2013 02:05
Yeah, I'm definitely going to need a frequent overnight guest coming up here...
I just came across the largest centipede/silverfish (the second of the night) I've ever seen, and I did not handle it well. I'm very lucky The Riddler actually understood his name in panicked, high-pitched repeat. I am equally as fortunate this was a bug without purpose, as those things are usually lightning quick and zip into a crack before I can find a shoe. There's something extra sickening about an insect whose presence you can feel prior to seeing it. Both bastards tonight were huge, but at least they were slow enough for my easily distracted cat to catch.
I've been trying to get better about things with too many legs. By this, I mean I'm attempting to get over my irrational fear of arachnids plus. I don't kill spiders anymore, unless they are right on something I use (or particularly horrific). I even named the ones in the hallway of my building. I even consciously shut down the chill, shake, and sweat that wants to come on. I'm purposely watching them, and fighting my urges to smash and/or flee. It's been going pretty well. But I was not ready for fat, zillion-appendaged centipedes. And I am not prepared for a summer sleeping alone.
I believe I've hit one of two things: mental/emotional exhaustion, creating a new level of neediness OR a biological change that has shot my libido into overdrive. I am suddenly, dare I say, boy-crazy. I still only want the select situation (stable, low-maintenance, easy to get to), but I'm lowering the bar on physical attraction. And I'm constantly thinking about dudes - fictional, imaginary, and the real-life fellas I know. I want them to reach tall things for me, rescue me from scary insects, and sleep next to me with their arm across my hips. I want to smell them, and climb on them, and hold them around the bicep. All the time. What. The. Fuck?
It would be super cool if the gods would give me a shot at a fits-all-the-requirements pal within walking distance. I could mosey on over with just a toothbrush and my keys, any time. Come on, Powers That Be. I sure could use a fling that requires little travel. Pretty please?