This one is for Missy...

Oct 08, 2006 02:59

October 7th, 2006…

As the smoke clears from my vessel, I see the fort that I have been defending for over a year now. Back once more to fight a never ending war. As I make my way to the front line, I realize this day is not going to be as easy as the many preceding it. Will we remain victorious, or will the enemy destroy us, transforming us into mere shadows of our former selves? I see the enemy, they outnumber us greatly. They came to the battle armed and hungry for war. I am ordered to reinforce the right flank, the only line between them and us; in between…no man’s land.

Some of my battalion are new recruits. I hope they know what they have gotten themselves into. Others have made the ranks, with pins to show their field experience. There are also the veterans, the ones you can trust for anything, willing to do whatever is necessary. Lastly, there are the officers, the command; the ones in charge of making the battle a victory.

Our officers seem tired and confused, as if the battle has raged on for hours before I could reach them. I do the only thing I know will help the cause, I get down and dirty with first platoon. They will appreciate my help tomorrow. One by one the enemy eats away at our front line, like the guerillas in Nam.

I see more enemy vessels approaching. They unload their personnel and rush the fort…100 yards…50yards…soon they reach the left flank. I hope our officers to the west can command their troops well. I have no time to help them, we have enough problems of our own. As the enemies reach the line we are defending, they shoot us down with evil stares and intentions of breaking our spirits.

My line rips at the heart of the enemy, and one by one they fall. With high hopes toward the outcome of this battle, I turn to see my fellow crew falling as well. One good soldier at a time, they leave my side. The battle rages on. The officers call for reinforcements, but there is no hope right now. We all have to “cowboy the fuck up” if we want to make it out of here in one piece. Hours pass and the fighting never dwindles. Slowly but surely are troops evaporate. The right and left flanks take heavy losses simultaneously. I have three men left. Within and hour, two. One of our officers tries to aid us, but is summoned elsewhere in the battle. Oh god, it is just me. I must stand alone and fight this battle. I fear the total annihilation of the right flank. That would definitely mean the end of the war.

Finally reinforcements arrive; thank god. They are few and far between, but they are the best of the best; Spec Ops. Highly trained and equipped to take on anything, my backup stands by my side. A steady stream of enemies continues to flow into the fort.

I leave the front line for only a moment to check the rear. A veteran is holding his ground on the right flank rear. If we fail, he is done for. He screams and yells about the destructive nature of the battle and how he wants out for good. He is sick of this war. I run to the left flank’s rear and a lone soldier is trying to keep up. Also disgusted with this sickening battle he continues his tasks fueled by rage.

I hurry back to my line to help pound the enemy lines. By the sixth hour of my time here their numbers have decreased tremendously. I see a ray of hope amidst the chaos of war. Finally, on the seventh hour, the battle is over. The enemy is gone. There are no more transports in sight, save the ones of my fellow comrades. Very few of our troops remain, but that matters not. We won.

As we clean up the aftermath, we share stories of the battle we recently won. Thought the overall moral has been diminished over our time here, that ray of hope may shine through until tomorrow, when we shall fight again.

This was my day at work...
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