Nov 22, 2007 13:58
1) When was the last time you ate a pastie?
The other week, it was from Greggs...
2) Did the moomins freak you out as a kid?
3) Got any A-Levels?
Three, Maths, Physics and Biology
4) What's your favourite pub?
Ever? The Plough and Harrow in Monknash, Incidentally this was the first pub i ever went to at the tender age of <1years old.
To go to regularly? The Queen's or the Gardener's Arms, Hull.
5) What's your favourite pub grub?
6) How about curry, do you like it and what's your fave?
Yegads no! My opinions on curries are that they are fine if your meat is rancid but when it's nice and fresh it doesn't need the bad flavour covering.
7) Which national saints days do you celebrate? (eg: St Patrick, St George, St Andrew, St David)
None. I'm Welsh, and there isn't much to celebrate on St David's Day...
8) It's christmas day. Morecambe and Wise or the queens speech?
Neither I probably wouldn't even turn the telly on at all on christmas day.
9) You are having a dinner guest over. You find out it's a SUN journalist, what do you do?
Sell him a salacious story of the time seduced so and so... despite the story being a complete fallacy. just for cash.
10) What did you get up to last Guy Fawkes night?