You can tell it's been a long day when...

Mar 13, 2006 22:20

... you find yourself having to use the line 'If you don't shut up I'm going to do creative things with your pancreas'.

That was yesterday. Today was a lot quieter.

I find the best threats should involve unrealistic actions that are obviously impossible, they leave the other person laughing and yet secretly wondering if you've found a way to do it. I think next week I'll bring in a copy of Gray's Anatomy with several bookmarks in it. And maybe a slightly stained teaspoon. It should be just about unsettling enough that people will leave me to do my job in peace.

I'm working for a company that is gradually making it against company policy to help a customer. My task each day is to find more loopholes so I can get help through on a technicality. All I have left is my work ethic and a penchant for surrealist mind games, which for the moment has me ahead on points.

And on that note, I shall go to sleep
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