You may wonder where I've been for the last three months. One minute I'm writing about how I've completed the first read-through of "The Siblings Come To Power", about how excited I am to get my teeth into it. And then I simply disappeared.
For those who don't already know... I am pregnant. That in and of itself is not an excuse for my not writing but the twelve weeks of all-day morning-sickness that followed are. To be honest I still get nauseas if I sit in front of the computer for too long. Which of course makes writing all but impossible.
I had these grand plans when I first found out I was pregnant, during that first month when I was well. I was going to start work on a brand new novel, get it completed by the birth and then that would mean that after the baby was born I'd have three books to work on. The read-through and second-drafts are always usually easier to work on than the first draft. And I assumed (and still do) that post-birth I'd be exhausted and struggling to find a routine with a new baby. I was realistic I knew the baby would stop me from working full-time for at least a few months. Which was why I had these books planned. Then I got really sick and the sickness refused to ease off for three months!
My plans now are very much up in the air. I still obviously have "Siblings" and "Soul Mates VI" I can work on post-birth so it's not like I'll be lost. But I did want to get one more book written before that time. My due date is early August so there's still five months for me to get rid of the nausea and write up a new novel. There is still time. I just have to get better in time.
What I want to stress is that I am not giving up my writing. Just because I'm having a baby it does not mean I'm quitting. As anyone who knows me can tell you: I breathe, I write. It's not a hobby I can pick up and put down as and when the fad grabs me; I have to write. So please don't think you'll never see any new work from me. Of course there'll be a time - probably for the next year - when my work will be sporadic as I find a new routine for the baby and my writing but there is no way that I will stop writing. I just wanted to clarify that. The only reason I'm not writing now is cos I'm still too ill. I'm hopeful that will pass on very soon.
I have added a short story I wrote late last year to the site. I hope you enjoy it :)
“Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in ages.”
As if he hadn’t been my only thought during the long weeks of my absence. His home marked on my map like a beacon, forever reminding me what I was missing. It had been his choice to remain there; his choice to choose vocation over love. In doing so, he forced me to make the same choice. Only my job didn’t keep me in one place; it saw me scattered around the islands. I returned to see him as often as I could.
“You knew what you were getting into when this started,” I snapped in return.
I didn’t want our reunion to be thwarted with arguments, but they so often were these days. We loved each other so much and yet the fates of the world - those fates that Martin believed in so much - seemed to want us apart. He in his castle and me on the road.
“I knew no such thing. I knew none of this!”
His face was flushed red, his blue eyes wide and angry. He wasn’t classically beautiful. It hadn’t been his dazzling good looks that had lured me into his bed. In fact, I don’t even remember how we started. A few mumbled words, long nights spent walking the roads. I’d dragged him from one life and into another. I hadn’t known what I was doing then; I was just following orders. He had been just another job. I hadn’t expected to fall in love.
I looked at him now, as I had looked at him then. With want and love and respect. This great man trapped inside a mortal body. A priest with a dark past. It was I who informed him that he was the son of an Emperor. More than that - that he was to rule over the Kingdom now that his biological father was dead. I stripped him from God and bundled him into my bed. Had it been that easy? Yes. That much I do remember.