Dec 04, 2009 21:27
Before you read this, I'd just like to preface it with the fact that I've had a completely rubbish November, and December isn't looking too good either. So yes, this will be an existential bitch post. Feel free to click the back button on your browser this instant.
Oh, you're still here?
I'll start then.
Today, I spent around 1 hour and 20 minutes trying to sort out my problems with my friend during our free. I dragged her down to the auditorium, and we sat on the stage, and I almost ended up crying. Why? Because, according to her, I need to: a. figure out who I am. that's a big part of things. b. stop being a whore. c. show people who I really am.
Well, that's a bit of a tall order.
I guess the root of it is that I'm unhappy with being human. I feel insignificant, unnecessary, and unloved by all. And apparently, I'm a superficial whore because I wear makeup and hug guys, etc. But then it appears my true personality shines through when I talk about shakespeare in English class.
I don't want to be an emo teenager, not at all, but I feel completely and utterly rubbish.
rubbish! complete rubbish!