
Nov 07, 2012 10:49

In my neck of the woods, Minnesota's 10 electoral college votes went to Obama again. We defeated a state constitutional amendment to define marriage between a man and a woman, as well as defeating an amendment to require voter ID. The Republican state legislature (both houses) that did nothing the last two years, except put those two amendments on the ballot, got tossed out and replace with a Democratic majority of equal or greater size. Democrats also won back one of their seats in the U.S. House.

It looks like Michele Bachmann won by a slim margin, but it may be so close that an automatic recount is triggered. I'm willing to put up with her, since we didn't put bigotry and voter suppression into the state constitution.

Now, I'm a little upset that Washington state has usurped Minnesota's liberal cred by passing both equal marriage *and* legal marijuana. But I'll get over that.

And the best part is that the attack ads have stopped.
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