Why? Why doesn't my muse like me?

Aug 12, 2010 17:15

Okay, I'm gonna have a moan now so just ignore me:P  As the title says; why don't my muses like me? It's like I just can't find the willpower to do anything. I want to write, I enjoy writing but it's like I sit down and then my muse runs away and laughs at me:( I was just wondering if anyone else had had that problem where they just feel bleurgh and can't muster up the enthusiasm to do anything let alone write. I've already had to drop out of tw_bigbang  because of my muse going on strike despite dark_oracle_ran giving me some excellent feedback on my draft (all 9000 words of it.) There has to be a 15000 word minimum and that kind of helps if you have a plot. Which I didn't hence my epic fail.

Anyway, I just feel really out of sorts at the moment and thought maybe some lovely people on my friends list would have any advice? any at all, I'm not fussed. What makes me feel worse is that I know people are waiting for the next instalment of In Sickness and in Health and royalladyemma has been brilliant but so far I have about two sentences so I feel like I've let you all down and then I hate myself even more. It's like in not writing I'm failing but in trying to write, I can't seem to do either;(

Anway, sorry to have moaned like that but I had to get it out of my system and what better way than to total strangers:P I say that with love:P If anyone has any carrots/sugar.cookies for the muses I'm all for it:P

Also, I really want to just write something unrelated to In Sickness and in Health so if anyone has any fluffy suggestions, I'm all ears. I may even write them:) Oh, speaking of which, an au idea popped into my head the other day and I've got various scenes but can't seem to join them together. Any ideas or do you think I can get away with just saying each scene happened a week later and stick them together with metaphorical superglue?
*goes back to hide under a rock*


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