I would like to auction off an autographed copy of my novel, Temple of the Twelve
http://andborough.com/temple_twelve.htm and the accompanying workbook
http://andborough.com/temple_journal.htm The novel is 17.95, the workbook is 14.95. So we will make the starting bid be $33, the cost of the two books.
I do not require to be reimbursed for shipping, I will take care of that.
I will just need to know the name to sign the books to, when bidding is complete.
Temple of the Twelve is the story of Caroline, a 16 year old novice who enters the Temple hoping to become a priestess. The Twelve are the twelve colors, who appear to the novices in human form in order to make their lessons more easily understood.
Some of the Twelve appear as men, some as women. Each one has a task for Caroline which relates to that color - for example, Pink, the color of compassion, asks Caroline to define and begin to heal, her three greatest emotional wounds.
The colors appear on the New Moon, and give their task to Caroline. If she completes it, she meets a new color at the next New Moon and gets a new task. When she completes all 12 tasks, she can be initiated as a Priestess.
One of the most common questions asked of me by readers was, "How can I do this myself, I want to take the journey with Caroline, I want to do this too." And so I co-authored a workbook. It is meant to be used alongside the novel, and it gives you projects, meditations, and questions to answer which help you try to accomplish each task along with Caroline. For example, in the chapter on Green there is an exercise in which you work on getting close with a particular plant or tree.
There is a short section in the workbook for use with children, and the workbook can be used either by a solitary or in a group setting.
You can find the novel on amazon as well, if you would like to see some reviews here is a link:
http://www.amazon.com/Temple-Twelve-Esmerelda-Little-Flame/product-reviews/1892718324/ref=sr_1_1_cm_cr_acr_img?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1 Blessings,
Gemma "Esmerelda Little Flame"
Auction open till Sat. May 23rd midnight