Feb 04, 2005 19:26
Yeah I need to cut my hair. My mother told me that it is to be cut on Saturday at 10:30. This means two things
PRIMO: no sleeping in
SECUNDO: damn it I need to find a hair cut
What to do? What to do? No idea. I found some pictures but haha yeah...the only way to make it stay like that will be if i keep my head in this weird position for the rest of time. Who the heck does that? what is the alternative? wax? aaarghh
I guess it doesn't actually matter since I look badly sleep deprived for 99% of the time I am in public. hehe as my friend would say "You need a vacation sooooooo bad" I could just shave my head like someone suggested to me. That would be cool. Ah well.
I watched the Manchurian Candidate today. It was scary haha oh man so scary. Cuz Denzel Washington bit this guy on the back to take out an implant. And since I had the little subscript things on...it kept on going "mysterious music playing" This furthur hightened the suspense :). haha wow I have so much work to catch up on.. since oh man oh man Olivia does NOT want another mark like she got in data two days ago...argh *%@&^#%$%#
But really I'm not as angry as it may look like. I'm quite calm. :D
reeaallllyy ii aamm