May/June ami-along

May 01, 2013 15:20

Welcome, dear fellow craftsters, to yet another

As the months roll by, the seasons change, too. To honor this, our monthly theme is SUMMER FOODS! Let's have a look at what yummies we can yarnify in these hot, hot months.
As always, click on the pics to get to the patterns (not all of them are free, but I tried my best to find you some). Now, on to the fun!

ice cream


sodas (not amigurumi,but cute)


hot dogs :D

corn dogs


and the additional seasonal cookies

Or any food, really. there's no real rush to make it summer-y, but hopefully with the improving weather inspiration will strike, too.

Over here we seemed to skip spring and gone straight from winter to summer, and I bet weather patterns have been a tad irregular in other places, too. So in case you might not feel too much into the summer wibes, let's keep the evergreen issue of FLORA as our second topic.
Now, what can we craft here?






game vegetation

There is an abundance of inspiration at this time of the year - I'm pretty sure something will take your fancy. As always, have fun, and craft away!

pie, flower, flora, pattern, food, ice cream, ami-along

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