I've done some more amigurumi since my first attempt a few days ago! This includes an octopus, bird, snake & (rubbish) alien =D
Here is Octavius the Octopus, from this pattern-
He sadly only ended up with 7 legs, as I sucked, and couldn't fit the last one on his body :(
I might make a 9-legged octopus in the future, and say that he stole Octavius' missing leg... ;)
(Oh, and Ronaldo the Rabbit is a camera-whore, so don't mind him photo-bombing!)
This is Billy the Bird, from this pattern-
http://bittersweetblog.wordpress.com/2007/02/19/birds-of-a-feather/ . He's probably my best looking one so far, with nothing much wrong with him :)
Salvador the Snake, from this pattern ( but a lot smaller!) -
http://www.caron.com/projects/ss/ss_coral_snake.html. I had a lot of trouble with the stripes, as despite looking up a way to avoid this, I still had a really obvious part where you can see that I'd changed colour... it's under his belly though, so you can't see ;)
And the gang together! Note my alien from this pattern hanging out there-
http://www.roxycraft.com/crochet_gabu.htm. His name is Al, and his right antenna sucks. I'm not sure why his eyes turned out so mournful...
I'm gonna buy some more yarn when I'm back in my hometown at the weekend, as I can only find one place that does yarn and stuff in my university's city, and it's all proper expensive >:( Then, I'm going to pick out something to make for a friends birthday :D So expect more spam soon-ish!