Hi & Hello!
I am new to the world of crochet & I have made one amigurumi so far. I made "The Gabu" [
http://www.roxycraft.com/crochet_gabu.htm] but I've yet to finish his face, so when I do I'll post a pic for you all. Anyone know of a good tutorial for embrordering faces? I want to make it look more elaborate, more than just little slits for eyes & all.
The main reason I was posting is because I ran across this blog & I really wanted to promote it since it's for such a good cause. If you donate at least $10 to this cause "Jimbo" makes you a widdled crochet hook from a chopstick! Reusing & donating, what more could you ask for? Sorry if this has been posted about before, but if it has then count this as a reminder to new members! XD
Here's the link to the blog post:
http://jimbosfrontporch.blogspot.com/2007/12/heres-your-chance-to-get-hook-and-help.html :Chastity