Apr 25, 2008 19:48
I wanted to mention that I found a little book knitting book for kids at my local Half Price Book Store. Inside it had big pictures for the NOOB and it even came with a super cute pair of colored plastic knitting needles with little stars at the top!
Really this is making me want "custom" or super cute knitting needles? does any one know where you can find them? I have a hand me down glass crochet hook *crochet is and always will be my first love* and it's amazing! Etsy has some painted wood ones but these star ones have my attention.....
neat stuff is neat
Today I have knitted two hats for some of the amigurumi dolls I gave to my roomies daughter! They are not terribly exciting, I was practicing knitting using an IPOD sock cover pattern. WHen rolled up they make super cute hats for dolls *LOL*