Jun 20, 2004 19:33
What a weekend I have had. Three birthday's, two parties, one 18th and one movie. And what's more, I did it all with no money!
Friday night was I invited to an old friend Ema's 17th Birthday Party. No one reading this will know anyone there, except for Amy. Jason was there, and while at the gathering, I managed to discover his link with Amy. When surrounded by people I don't know or havn't seen in nearly a decade, conversing doesn't come as an easy thing to me. I did manage to talk to a few people, and to Leisel in particular who reminded me of a somewhat more approachable Kate. I managed to become slightly tipsy of at least 10 cups of punch, but it was better than nothing.
There is something odd with Ema's friends. They enjoy a good game of Twister while everyone is drunk. It's a bad mix of suggestive sexual positions and inuendos abroad! Oh, and there was licking.
Nearing the end of the night, the remainig guest all decided tomorrow should be reserved to go and see Shrek 2! So we did... me and Ema the only ones who turned up. Good movie though, better than the first one but not by much.
Saturday night though was the icing on the weekend-cake. Amy's 18th Birthday Party! I arrived at about 6:30 (half an hour behind schedule) to a small group of the usuals already digging into some snacks. Punch was served, which there was a breef argument over the acohol content of the punch. We had barritos for dinner too. Skipping ahead! Once Jess arived with William and David in toe, we set a test for ourselves comparing hand-writting every hour. Things to note as I recall them. I think I ired a lot of people with my perpetual party whistle blowing. Myself, Leigh and Anthony fought over Anthony's belt for a good 5 minutes, of which I was victorious, only to have it stolen off me by the Ghost of Christmas-past a good 10 minutes later. Becc and another girl both went into the toilet at once. I was pretty confused, but William was all for it apparently! Mark, Grant, Ryan and Nick arrived late, and they didn't even end up staying for long either. Breeanna had a good chunder, and I had to hold her hair back, poor girl. Clancy turned up as well, and so I had to endure referances of how much I look like Toby Maquire, consarnit! A lot of people were really, really off their face. Apparently a few people got together, Lizzy being one of them, GO GIRL! The house was an absolute mess, with drinks and food being spilt and thrown all over the place. I fell asleep with Breeanna beside me, and felt asleep to her on the phone to her mum. It turns out that she left after that. I'm glad someone told me, because I slept (although not for very long) in the most uncomfortable position thinking she was still there! BAH!
The nest morning wasn't as fun as the night, it never really is which is a pitty. I had to get out of there fast! I felt... I dunno I didn't want to have to deal with the clean-up that always follows a party. Poor Amy though. So caught the bus home at 8:30 am. Sooo cold!
And then I engaged in homework, so now here we are at the end of all things... I hope something similar happens again!