Title-- Holding Your Umbrella..
Rating-- PG. -Sirius and Remus watch Lily and James in the rain and realise that things really are perfect.
Word count-- 665
For--Prompt Six of
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“Look at the way he holds her umbrella,” Remus sighed, watching Lily and James standing beneath the rain that clattered onto the top of a bright blue umbrella. The soft wooden curve at it’s end was clutched within James’ strong fingers as though he’d finally found a purpose in being there. “It’s like… It’s like the umbrella says a lot more than ‘I want to shelter you from the rain.’ Though, if you think about it, that itself is a pretty profound way to look at it.”
Sirius just stared at him. The gentle lines of his soft, pale skin, the little dip of lightest pink where his lips met and brought his mouth into a smile. Remus was beautiful, in every single possible way that Sirius could ever even begin to imagine. How perfect he was made something inside Sirius ache while around it his body tingled with something without a proper name.
For barely a moment, amber eyes caught his own as Remus glanced at Sirius, obviously wondering if he was listening at all as the silence stretched on around them.
“Don’t you think so?” Remus asked, smile twisting ever so slightly at the edge, the smallest hint of embarrassment that settled into the pale skin of his cheeks and made them glow.
“I think…” Sirius said eventually, sliding an arm slowly around his boyfriend’s waist, unable to sit so far apart any longer, even as the bright spring morning made his eyes spark and blink. “I think that you may be reading a little too much into James holding her umbrella. You think, Moony. You think until you go cross eyed and blush when you admit it. I love that about you…” He paused a moment, their eyes locked in an embrace as though their arms were stretched around each other. “I love everything about you.”
“Sometimes,” Remus continued after the tiniest moment of stillness, after silent smiles that said so much but left the silence too long and made him feel he had to speak again. “Sometimes I feel like you’re some kind of umbrella. The kind that has holes in and is too big and too small and yet you never throw away because every over umbrella just doesn’t… fit.”
“I fit?”
“Yeah,” Remus laughed quietly, eyes sparkling like spring and summer and autumn and winter, the colours of the rainbow. He was a magic that wasn’t the same as those held within the strands of a wand. He was special, different, precious. “Yeah, you fit.”
“I’m going to buy you an umbrella.” Sirius said after a long pause of watching the boy and girl who’d not so long ago been less than friends moving closer beneath the shield of blue.
On the bench beneath the shelter from the rain, Sirius shifted the tiniest millimetre closer. Almost as though he could somehow morph into and become one with the boy beside him who he loved so much it made him want to do stupid, inexplicable things. It was beautiful in a truly horrifying way.
“A red umbrella,” He continued. “And then when it rains, we’ll go outside and pretend that the sun is out as we snuggle beneath it.”
“You know I don’t really like red.” Remus said in little more than a breath as he shivered and pushed his nose into his boyfriend’s neck.
The shining sun mocked the people who looked out of the windows and didn’t notice the rain, forgetting to grab their coats on the way out to the bright morning sunshine. Under a shelter of wood, two boys sat in a tightening embrace that made the drizzling rain disappear.
Sirius knew why Remus hated red. To the boy of only 17 beside him, red meant blood and moonlight and the cracking of bones after dark. He pulled him closer, arms wrapping around the still smiling boy who hugged him back as though this was the last time they’d be together.
“I’ve already thrown it away.”