Look at how festive that shit is. We found the garland in the closet, so I put it up on the fireplace in my room just now. A string of white lights in there from the dollar store, and well be roostertailing mistletoe.
haha, my dad just sent me that article from the NY times about Sewanee. SOMEONE TELL ME ABOUT IT AGAIN. He was like the 58249083th person.
SO! It's all work all weekend! Gotta do that research paper for Monday. I banged out my term paper for Engel, and sent it to him wondering what I could flesh out. SO now, I can do the research for that report in Italian on piedmont. That's on Tuesday, along with the Engel paper. Aaaand then the Latin final exam is on Thursday, and so is Kandas!
We'll go to the Kroger. That is some excitement, lemme tell you. Actually, I really love grocery shopping. Weird.