I am not anorexic. I can't be. I cook way too much. Huge breakfast every Saturday and Sunday morning, meat and potatoes on Wednesdays, and various elaborate meals throughout the week. Derrick wants me to cook pork chops for him because he had smelled them in the oven, and thought about them for the entire week. I'm actually looking forward to it.
I was getting over being sick, was under a lot of stress, was waiting for the meatloaf to come out of the oven, and I guess I couldn't wait because I keeled over. Maybe I needed a nap. haha. Anyway, yeah, My blood sugar crashed. Mariah said sometimes that happens before you really kick into reserves... or something. Reboot.
Same thing happened to Caroline over the summer when she lost a lot of weight. Except she was in Taco Bell, and she knocked shit over, and her boyfriend was like, "HEY! What the fuck are you doing, you psycho?"
It's Thursday! HOORAY.
Stella, the little dog is here.
As soon as my camera is charged, I'll post pictures of my wee house.
In other NEWS... news in NY is way more interesting:
http://www.nypost.com/news/regionalnews/27850.htm We have a mouse.