Jun 08, 2005 20:22
Dear Tanya,
Not Funny.
Today is the first Wednesday is a VERY long time that has not involved a) class or b) rehearsal. Sarah and I had a just-the-two-of-us evening planned, and I deliberately waited to pick Tanya up from the mechanic until today so we could drive right home from the grocery store and not deal with the crazy bus drivers, etc. So I left work early (despite my super-awesome productive streak, in which I proved my inner rockstar nature by creating Power Point slides with a Dr. Seuss parody involving the atomic spectrum of hydrogen - yes, I am a geek; why do you ask?) and picked up my newly repaired Tanya. Apparently there was a puncture wound that they missed the first time around.
Anyway, I picked up Tanya and headed over to Sarah's office, where I parked the car and worked on a crossword puzzle. Out she came, ten minutes later, and when I went to turn on the car...sputter, sputter, whirrrrrr. I ask you, completely rhetorically, how does a car battery drain itself in the span of 10 minutes? Not funny.
In addition to the spare tire I keep in my trunk, I also have a set of jumper cables that I bought at the dollar store. Sketchy though they may be, they have proved useful on many occasions. Thanks to Sarah's Co-Worker Z, Tanya was resurrected and I got a very lovely tour of Beacon Street while Sarah went shopping. Fun!
Now I am sitting on my ass in my bathing suit, watching lightning up on the hill, and waiting for the tortilla dough to rise. I am pleased to report that our pool is entirely suitable for swimming. And soon (well, soonish) the quesadillas will be suitable for assembling, cooking, and eating. Life is good.
Oh right. You got the Car and the Pool. The Lane was last night, when I got my first ever strike in candlepin bowling. I win!