The downside of spending a weekend with Witty Humans is that the memory bank of Amusing Quotations fills up way too quickly for any sort of Permanent Record. Then again, it may be best that there be no Permanent Record of my family "reunion," with the sole exception of Princess Pookie, who will likely be mocked and taunted by his mother's siblings and their offspring at every "reunion" hence. At any rate, though, if anyone remembers any amusing comments said in my presence, I encourage them to send them to me. And of course, if anyone remembers any presents that commence to amuse me, send those too. You can also let me know if you'd like to be added to the distribution list of my Amusing Quotation emails. This has been a public service announcement from your Friendly Neighborhood Wellstar. You will have to go elsewhere for your pubic service announcement because I am in fact committed, though not engaged or married, to a very wonderful human. I say that she is wonderful because she is, but also because she didn't laugh too hard when I woke up this morning to discover that I had in fact slept in my skirt, pulled up (but not off) over my pajamas last night. I blame
osirusbrisbane, who will no doubt be gratified to learn that last night's hanky panky did in fact have an effect below my waist.
mryn will no doubt be horrified to learn this, but at least the visit was not a waste! I would like to thank Paula Cole, Madonna, Jonathan Pryce, and Antonio Banderas for getting me home safely. I also want to thank the entire cast of Rent for being there when WERS "Standing Room Only" lost signal halfway through "I'll Cover You."
My name is Erika, and I am not a professional ninja.