[Dream] -01-

Sep 25, 2009 12:54

Darkness gives way to the image of a run down church, surrounded by rubble, fallen beams, debris, and dirt. The door to the church is slightly ajar, and moving forward, Tifa reaches over to push it open enough to slip her body through. Sunlight has filtered in from the large holes in the roof, illuminating the center of the building. There, in the middle of the light, is a small garden of flowers, all brightly colored.

Tifa's boots thud softly against the floor, stirring up moats of dust as she approaches the flowers. Kneeling down to touch the petals of a pink orchid, she smiles softly, even if it contains a hint of sadness. It's quiet for a while as she simply watches the light sparkle off droplets of water gathering on the green leaves. Then, more footsteps sound through the building and Tifa turns to look at who has joined her in the church.

There's a man with spiky blond hair, holding the hands of two children, one boy and one girl. "There you guys are," she says softly, before getting up and going over to see them. Just as she gets close enough to touch them, the dream fades to black.

[Tifa wakes up after this, and sighs softly, realizing she's not home at all.]

dream, !ic, family

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