Apr 11, 2007 20:08
Well today has gotton so much better. I guess i just needed a good talk with a old friend from home to make me feel better. I mean it was not jason but hey it was lindsey that works out pretty good. I mean i also talked to my RA and it turns out my room fear are not as severe as orginally thought. As for my friendship fears i am going to take on day and one semester at a time. I also got a decent grade on bio test when i thought that i failed and that made me happy. However do my stress level i literallty thought i was going to barf so i came back to the dorm to realx and it did make me feel better. I then went to dance collective and Chronical meeting and help them make the set up of the Lit. magazine. It eas really fun and had so good food for a change. I then went back up to my room and had i nice chat with the bannna and the Che. I am not going to spend a realxing night in my room with roomates
talk to ya later