moving is done

Feb 11, 2007 09:21

Dear jounral,
this past week has been such a jumble of emontions and feelings i still can't get over the fact that i moved. It felt like the acutally school was going slow waiting for the acutally descion and stuff but then we got the key and everything start moving at lighting speed. I think because we moved on the weekend and had like the whole floor help it went alot quicker then if we would have had to it during the school week with no help. I guess it is going to take a tad getting used to but the new setup is really cool. I am also dorming with two really cool girls so it all works out. In the whole situation i guess i am shocked people would change rooms to live with me but i guess it is sometimes hard for me to realize i am wanted... just because i was always left out in the past. So other then stress due to moving my best friend is currently awall and is like 3 weeks behind on what has happen to me. He still thanks i am deeply depressed about having a single and still thinking shannon molly and anna hurt my feelings. This would so not be the case if he picked up hid phone or anwsered his aim but whatever.. grrr boys can be so fuserating. Over break i pushed way to hard now i am trying to not push hard but still let him know that i care. I however don't know if what i am doing is right or wrong because i have no feedback. I hate not speaking to him because even last semester when i was at wells he was a good venting post now if i get mad or upset i have limated rescorces... at wells the proves hard at points.... We always say when ever something big happens the other one has to be the first call and now i feel so discoanted from him... random people on campus know more about my life then he dose not to mention shannon, molly and anna... they are truely becoming important people in my life. Nobody will ever take that spot from him but it is nice to know that people do care and like me. I just wish i could talk to him or see him... so for the lame entey... not even sure if anyone is reading.
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