The book list!

Feb 14, 2007 22:08

So I'm still trying to get rid of books. I overcame my laziness/busyness and compiled a list of my rejects. If anyone wants them, let me know and we can work something out. Say $3 a book? Or let's make a deal!

"The Death and Life of Superman" Roger Stern"
"Donut Shop Lovers" Melissa Steele
"The Beauty of the World" Stacey Newman
"Blood and Gold" Anne Rice
"The Vampire Lestat" Anne Rice
"Les Belle Souers" Michelle Tremblay
"Frankenstein" Mary Shelley
"The Republic of Love" Carol Shields
"The Stone Diaries" Carol Shields
The Chronicles of Narnia, books 1 &2
"What the Crow Said" Robert Kroestche
"Barometer Rising" Hugh MacLennan

"Utopia and Revolution" Melvin Lasky
"Thinking Ecologically" Bruce Morito
"Sustainable Development and Canada" various eds.
"Political Philosophy : The Search for Humanity & Order" Hallowell & Porter
"Towards a Just Society" Thomas Axworthy & Pierre Trudeau
"Classics in Political Philosophy" Porter
"Class, State, Ideology and Change: Marxist Perspectives on Canada" J. Grayson
"Starlight Tour: The Last, Lonely Night of Neil Stonechild" Susanne Reber and Robert Renaud
"Earth Ethics: introductory readings on animal rights & environmental ethics" James Sterba
"Jo Anne & Colin Thatcher: A Canadian Strategy" Maggie Siggins
"Playing the State: Australian Feminist Interventions" Sophie Watson
"Class Warfare" Noam Chomsky, interviewed by David Barsamian
"Revolutionary Change" Chalmers Johnson
"Hard Right Turn: the new face of neo-conservatism in Canada" Brooke Jeffrey
"Virtual War" Michael Ignatieff
"Branded: the buying and selling of teenagers" Alissa Quart
"Marxist Theories of Imperialism" Anthony Brewer
"Classic Philosophical Questions" James A. Gould
"Modern Rhetorical Criticism" Roderick Hart
"The Cold War: A History" Martin Walker
"Feminist Thought: A comprehensive introduction" Rosemarie Tong
"Modern Times: selected non-fiction" Jean-Paul Sartre
"Understanding Me" Marshall McLuhan
"Our Posthuman Future" Francis Fukuyama
"All You Can Eat: greed, lust and the new capitalism" Linda McQuaig
"Wolves Among Sheep: the true story of murder in a Jehovah's Witness community" James Kostelniuk
"Lonely Planets: the natural philosophy of alien life" David Grinspoon
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