Yawn. JC's friday. then we had to work on the road rallye set up for emily haley. Didn't get to bed untul about 1. woke up at 6 for a shower then went out on the road rallye. its like this thing that you raise money for and the money goes to some little girl with systiv fibrosis. she needs a double loung transplant, and shes like the sweetest little girl of all time. she needs 500,000 dollars and we raised about 50k so now shes half way there (she already had about 200,000)
http://www.kintera.org/FAF/home/default.asp?ievent=57932 and
http://members.cox.net/emilysbreathofhope/ more information about her. uhhh after that i went to olive garden with sarah for her birthday party type thing. lots and lots of fun. i hade fediccini alfredo. and it r00led me. uh, went back to sarahs and watched the 6th sence which is good. got home around 11:30 and went to bed at one again. woke up at 7 to go to church. after church i went back over to sarahs and stayed there until about 7:30 i came home took a shower.... and here i am.
my birthday is in 9 days (10/26)!!