sooo bored

Jan 10, 2006 22:23

fuckin survey

Chapter 1: The Basics...BORING
Initials: AEB
Middle name: Elizabeth
Nickname(s):ali. al. AHLA!! (the two exclamation points are necessary according to greggles)
Sex: female
Date of birth: 05/29/86
Star sign: Gemini
Place of birth: Iowa City
Current location: Westerville OH
Height: 5'6"
Weight: yeaaa riiiiiight
Hair length: shoulder length
Hair color: brownish redish with blonde highlights.
Eye color: hazel
Skin tone: fucking white
Piercings: double peirced in both ears, industrial bar through left ear
Tattoos: on shoulder blade: chinese symbol for horse, on foot: galloping horse, on inside left forearm: infinity sign with some spikes and dots (its cool trust me)
Scars and birthmarks: i have a birthmark on my lower back that looks either like a nike swoosh or a frog on a lily pad...tons of scars.

Chapter 2: The Background
Mother's name: Deb
Mother's occupation: Piano Teacher for spoiled rich kids in Naperville
Mother's hometown: Havelock IA (you havent heard of it for a reason)
Father's name:Steve
Father's occupation: branch manager of operations of CitiFinancial....they do shit with mortgage banking
Father's hometown: Souix City, IA
Do you live with your parents? when i go home for break :)
Do you get along with your parents? amazingly well.
Do you have any siblings? YES!!! HIS NAME IS SEAN FENSKE, and hes the best lil brother ive ever had!
What pets do you have? Flash and Angel (horses) Fred (dog) peanut (cat, my cat!! he loves me!!)
Did you grow up in a different plance then where you are now? Yes
Where did you spend your summers as a child? outside! in the mud! beating up my best friend blake!
What was the name of your elementary school? East Elementary
Who were your best friends in elementary school? Blake Hayward, Adam Fischels, Jenny Overaas, Mellisa Stelter
Who was your favorite teacher in elementary school? Mrs Smith!
What was your best memory from elementary school? Oh jeeze. i dont even know. Probably gym. or recess
Worst memory? haha....i dont know. i think i got in trouble alot because i was bored. i didnt get many good behavior ribbons thats for sure.
What was the name of your junior high? Independence Middle School and then Kennedy Jr. High
Who were your best friends? at Indee -- Ali Conklin, Alexa Doan, Meghann Toohey, Adam Fischels, Blake Hayward, Stacy Hoglan, Jessica Tansey.... at Kennedy--jenn joyce, justin heinekamp, jon padilla, steve hough, jackie sutherland, brant davis, julie gerding, julia geinisman
Who was your favorite teacher? Indee--Mr. Brown (who everyone thought was so mean, but i found him funny and he fucking loved me) Kennedy: Mr Wainwright...fantastic
What was your best memory? oh god. i dont know. the 8th grade trip perhaps. my first "real" relationship HAH!
Worst memory? transferring to Kennedy halfway through 7th grade. I was such a loner but it taught me how to be outgoing....i really appreciate that now.
What was the name of your high school? West Aurora High School
Who were your best friends? Jamey Fenske, Kacie Parge, Kiyoshi Martinez...those three stayed constant throughout pretty much my whole high school career....and then the rest of these kids came in (and out of) the picture later: Tim Hoorelbek (yeah. keep those comments to yourselves), JULIA THURLOW, Marcus Moreno, Britt Engen...i dont know. best friend is term reserved for the few.
Who was your favorite teacher? Mrs. Breed, Mr. Rowley, Mr. Robowski (only after i finished his class though), Donna, Orland!!....yeah.
What was your best memory? Definitely playing in the pit band...the failed relationships, parties, SWIMMING!, being altogether awesome, just spending awesome times with really great people, WASHINGTON ISLAND, playing in youth symphonies, awesome times in the city, afterprom my senior year. i had some good times in high school
Worst memory? junior year swimming, actual prom my senior year (sadly my flask couldnt fit enough whiskey to get me drunk enough to enjoy going stag), finding out some bad shit about a certain person who was, at the time, really important to me, saying goodbye to various friends and friendships, eh there was some other bad shit in there that i dont really recall....ive put alot of that stuff behind me :)
Out of elementary, junior high, or high school, which did you like best? high school. i really came into my own in high school.
Did you ever go to the same school as your siblings? well technically, sean came to my high school when i was a junior. it was pimp. he was with me when i got my first speeding ticket on the way to school actually :)
Did you ever go to the same school as your parents? nope
What is your family's cultural heritage? i dont actually know. my biological past is a mystery to far as i know anyway

Chapter 3: The Favorites
city: chicago. nothing else compares.
vacation spot: horse shows!!!
sport: three day eventing, swimming
food: soup. sandwiches. uncooked veggies
dessert: pie!
drink: water. diet coke
alcoholic drink: BEEEER! Apple-tinis, Washington Apple shots, sneakers, tequila shooters, and i love beer.
place to eat: nacionale 27, tango, cosi, buffalo wild wings, wildfire......
ice cream flavor: chunky monkey
season: i like them all, they all have their place
holiday: christmas is cool. i really like giving shit and spending time with my parents and good friends (not so much the rest of the family though)
clothing brand: old navy, gap, b. republic, anthropologie
make up brand: ......
shampoo/conditioner: Amplify by Matrix
supermodel: I dont really care.
actor: jake gyllenhall, robert deniro, nicholas cage, johnny depp is pretty fantastic, colin ferrel is fucking hott, adrian brody, benicio del toro, sean penn, jason schwartzman
actress: Naomi Watts, clare danes
athlete: ian thorpe, derek lee, john holling, peter green, andrew hoy, kim severson
athletic team: Cubs
old nickelodeon show: pete and pete
number: 21
color: green
word: actually any form of the word fuck
phrase: seriously, im going to have to kick your ass
magazine: cosmo.
cheesy pick up line: Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because i Can see myself in your pants
language: english. call me what you will. but im pretty partial to the language i speak
country: i wouldnt mind spending some time in canada, britain, or new zealand. im really excited for italy.
flower: orchids.
girls name: Lera
boys name: Micah

Chatper 4: This or That
lefty/righty: lefty
rock/country: country
diamonds/pearls: jade
blondes/brunettes: brunettes
new york/montana: montana
usa/canada: all of the above
gold/silver: silver
hummer limo/stretch: dodge pick up truck
gatorade/powerade: gatorade
diet coke/regular: diet
chicken fingers/chicken nuggets: tell me, where do you locate either one of these on a chicken. i cant fuckin handle that.
mcdonalds/burger king: bk has better fries
subway/taco bell: subway
gravol/pepto bismol: ummmm neither?
plane/train: plane
skiing/snowboarding: snowboarding
ciff diving/shark diving: cliff diving
east coast/west coast: east coast
marissa/summer: summer!!
Bush/Kerry: oh god. fuckin two party system
Britney/Christina: oh god neither
Lindsay Lohan/Hilary Duff: lindsay shes a hardass
The OC/Laguna Beach: OC!!!
Flintstones/Jetsons: Jetsons
Full House/Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: Fresh Prince!
Growing Pains/Boy Meets World: Growing pains is so amazing and old school!
Brady Bunch/Partridge Family: ummmm i dont think either
peanut butter/jelly: JAM!!!
creamy/crunchy: EXTRA CHUNKY CRUNCHY
red rover/capture the flag: red rover. we always ended up breaking someones wrist or did some serious spraining
mother may i/simon says: simon says
lake/pool: pool. i fucking hate leeches
snow day/spring day: spring day
chihuahua/bernese mountain dog: bernese mountain
London/Paris: London. I hate France.
shower/bath: shower!
love/money: hmmm howabout the love of money! or getting money for love!?! im awful. i love love!
peanuts/crackerjacks: pistachios
fruity pebbles/cocoa puffs: fruity pebbles..bitch
Target/WalMart: target
Blahnik/Birkenstock: BIRKENSTOCK
Chanel/Louis Vuitton: Coach
Janice Dickinson/Twiggy: dont give a shit
city mouse/country mouse: progressive country mouse
winter olympics/summer olympics: summer! PONIES!
apples/bananas: bananas
color/colour: color!

Chapter 5: Do You ...
Sing in the shower? nope
Write memos on your hand? yes
Call people back? yes. .unless im avoiding you
Have your driver's license? id die if i didnt
Believe in love? yeah. i believe love is the way
Knock on wood? not physically
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? yeah pretty much always the right side
Speak another language? nope
Have citizenship to more than one country?nah
Think you're attractive? eh. im not ugly. but i could do some work.
Wear glasses or contacts? none of the above
Have any weird pet peeves? stickiness, bad drivers, the word moist
Have any weird hobbies? not really

Chapter 6: Have You Ever ...
Gone skinny dipping? of course
Worn braces? no
Smoked a cigarette? yes
Smoked a cigar? yes
Smoked anything else? yes
Broken a bone? yes
Had stitches? yes
Kissed a member of the same sex? yes....multiple. in more than one place.
Shoplifted? no
Punched someone in the face? blake. when we were young.
Skipped school? of course!
Flown first class? nope
Traveled to another continent? no
Used racial slurs? hell no
Taken painkillers? vicodin really wasnt that good for me, but ive heard fantastic things about morphine
Taken sleeping pills? nope
Ridden in a limousine? yes
Gone SCUBA diving? no
Been stung by a jellyfish? no
Been stung by a bee? yes
Thrown up in a restaurant?i definitely threw up in the bathroom at the all night burrito place last year when i was fucking plastered
Made a snow angel? yep yep
Been to overnight camp? yes
Written a letter to Santa Claus? i think it was mandatory in pre-school
Sworn in front of your parents? haha..yep. it wasnt met with much enthusiasm. but theyre over it
Had detention? lol ohhh yes
Been sent ot the principal's office? you got it. i was bad in elementary!
Screamed "penis" at the top of your lungs?yes!
Made a prank phone call? yes
Been to the opposite end of the country? ehh arizona....
Been called a bitch? do you know me?? of course i have.
Been called a whore? yes!!
Been called prude? definitely not
Met someone famous? yeah. BJ Armstrong.
Slept naked? oh my god yes. its my favorite thing to do!
Gone streaking? indeed
Played ding dong ditch? OF COURSE
Climbed a tree? mmmmhmmm
Been kissed under the mistletoe? no
Had a threesome? no

Chapter 7: Pick Your Perfect ...
pizza: oh god. i love pizza
bagel: plain with plain creme cheese
smore: make the smore with strawberry jam. its fabulous
sandwich: oh god. dont get me started. i fucking love sandwiches
sundae: brownie sundays
date: anything chill. perhaps a picnic in the park, followed up by some decent pot smoking.
outfit: jeans and a t-shirt

Chapter 8: Random
If you could take back one thing, what would it be? breaking my leg
Would you rather win an Oscar or the Nobel Prize? nobel prize
What time do you get up in the morning? depends on the morning
What time do you go to sleep? sleep! i do that when im dead!
If you could bring 5 items with you to a deserted island, what would they be? cell phone, flashy, the boyfriend that i dont have, ALOT OF POT (or atleast the means to grow it), and the return ticket to get home .
Do you prefer blonde hair or brown hair? yeah i dont really care
What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but haven't done? ride at the advanced level on a horse that i brought through the levels
If you were on death row, what would your final request be for your last meal? sandwiches and steak
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? everywhere
Name 5 people in history that you want to meet: Einstein, Darwin, the man who invented sandwiches, the man who invented pizza, willy wonka
Make three wishes: enough pot to last my entire life, a farm of my own, to be an established vet
If you could be anything/one you want, who/what would you be? me, a vet, married happily, and really satisfied with life
If you were a superhero, what would your power be? superhuman strength
If the world floods and you can only save 1 species, it would be: ponies!
What are the last 4 digits of your phone number? 0201
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