Apr 17, 2005 12:22
Chris's B day last night was fun, but it didn't last very long cuz someone took the tap and J repeated like a billion time "We have a full keg but no tap" he was pretty waisted so he went around to all the girl on the party asking them to show him some titties lmao then when he saw that he is not getting neither beer or boobs at the party I suggested we go to Stake n' Shake cuz we were all hungry, so we go in Stake n Shake right and some girl walk in and J is like hey sexy to some 12 year old and I was like "o man talk about impared judgement" and everyone that was with us were like yeah man J its Jail Bait lol, then the same girls walk by and J was like "Let me see some boobs c'mon" I am laughing my ass off along with Terry and the guys that were with us. You think this is as bad as it get oooooooo no. Okey so some 15 year old or so boys walked in and one of them was wearing a pink shirt lol and J is like "Look at the Faggot with the pink shirt" and the guy walked to J and he was like "Faggot?" and J goes "Yeah that's what I said Faggot" and the dude goes "No man this is sexy" and J was like "Shut up I'll kick ur ass" and then they just passed us by and J was like "Those guys are pussy's man I will kick their asses" and he like got up to go fight he was like "they started shit with me" and I was like "umm no actually u started shit with them" And let me tell u those guys were so patient with J its unbelivable and terry is like "no dont' fight them the one with the blue shirt is nice" and I was like "do u know him" and Terry is like "No but he held the door for me" hahah man I love J he's so much fun already work all day today :((((((((((( Leave me love