Mar 12, 2005 01:17
wow today was a cool day I guess, sis had some problems, lost a buddy but we went to target and we were at the receptionist desk and we had convos about guys.
Me: "why don't you just tell *boy* that you like him?
Erynn: "Are u kdding me, boys get scared when big girls like them"
Me: Aww thats not true
Erynn: Oh yeah well last time a boy found out i like him he egged me and oranged me all from the same boy
Me: *thinking* that is sooooooooo fucked up, its unbelievable
Me: *talks* That's why I don't tell boys when I like them, cuz they throw shit at u
*imitating one* Take that *throws something* person that likes dare you LIKE me
made her laugh but I know she is hurting from her experiance
it's kinda sad how physical attractiveness based is our society today